Interactive Brokers Financial Statements Data
Balance sheet analysis
The balance sheet gives a picture of the capital intensiveness of the business. We want to identify businesses with
- high margin
- high or low R&D requirements (these are expensed but could arguably be capitalized)
- LT debt history
- Current Ratio = current asset/current liab
- Turnover = sales / total asset
I give below the key codes for Interactive Brokers financial data. Special mention for ERAD: R&D expenditure, which helps categorize businesses.
Balance sheet items
- ATCA total current asset
- ATOT total asset
- LTCL total current liab
- STLD total debt
Special Balance Sheet items for Financials
- Life Ins: 5530103: SPRI (premium earned), RNII
- Invest Bank: 55102
- Credit Card: 5510103
- Bank 5510101: ANTL Net Loans, CDBT total deposit
- Insurance: 5530101: APRE: Ins receipt, SPOT: Policy liab