This blog covers the general topic of financial markets.

Stock Selector System by Michael D Sheimo

first posted: 2025-01-29 07:01:23.279666

Michael D Sheimo is a 80'ss ML stock broker who always wanted to be a writer. He started to author books in the late 80s and 90s.


Four categories of stocks

Stock Selector System is suggesting the following categories, while avoiding to overanalyse any stock which leads to analysis paralysis or false certainty through tapped priors:

  • income stocks: safe stocks with increasing dividend, need to double check if dividend goes down, check payout ratio, target of 7%
  • growth stocks: should be fast grower, above 20% per year, target is 25%
  • total return stocks: should be large and mature, dividend paying with still some growth in the 12% to 20% range. Target is 12%
  • speculative stocks: market damage, new companies, new growth, turnaround, takeover. Avoid the sucker bait: such as buying with downward movement and no improvement. Examples: Ford/GM, Amgn as new growth...

Diversification and expected return

Sheimo considers portfolio of 250k to 1m, suggesting 5-10 stocks per substrategy. Typically 20% income, 30% growth, 50% total return. The main point is that the investor should have a return target for each bucket and track his performance.

Having an expected performance target makes tactical reviews possible.

Metrics for Selection

  • income stocks: div yield, do div grow, price, 52wk low, 52wk high, 1yr perf
  • growth stoch: current p/e, 5y avg p/e, pct diff, 5y rev growth, 5 yr earn growth, 5y total (price+div) return
  • total return stoch: use both div and growth criteria


Much of the book pre-dates internet. We are talking about graphing charts on paper vs lotus 123 spreadsheet vs buying printed charts subscription from SP500. This is a beginner book that gives some target numbers for investors.