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High Return Low Risk Investment according to Herzfeld and Drach

first posted: 2024-12-02 08:35:59.378457

High Return Low Risk Investment by Herzfeld and Drach is 80s book reedited in 1993. The book talk in a very mature way about the conflicts of interest between different market participants.

The strategy proposed is to filter a set of good companies and buy when they are shunned. The authors also recommend monitoring

  • P/E compare to average of last 7 year
  • Div Yield compare to average of last 7 year
  • Price to Book ratio compare to average of last 7 year
  • Call/Put ratio
  • Analyst Sentiment survey: when all analyst agree they are wrong (bullish if trying to bring some more investors, bearish when convincing clients to churn)
  • margins volume at brokerage
  • issuance volume (IPO, new stock issuance, LBO)



